Life Sciences

Impact of Biofield Treatment on Growth and Yield of Lettuce and Tomato

Written by Trivedi Effect | Jun 3, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences PDF  

Published: 2012 Volume: 6 Issue: 10 Pages: 100-105

DOI: Not Available ISSN: 1991-8178

Authors: Vishal Shinde, Frank Sances, Shrikant Patil and Amy Spence


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Recent studies report the effect of biofield treatment on changes in structural characteristics of organic and inorganic matter, on cancer cells in vitro and on overall plant development. This study tested the impact of the same treatment applied to lettuce and tomato seeds and transplants (Lactuca sativa var. capitata and Lycopersiconesculentum var. Roma) in commercial plantings with and without fertilizers and pesticides, in relation to yield, quality, and pest inhibition. Treated lettuce plants with fertilizer and pesticide applications were more vigorous, exhibited less incidence of soil-borne fungal wilt, and subsequent yield was statistically greater 43% compared to untreated plants. Treated plants with no fertilizer or pesticide applications in the field behaved similarly to untreated plants that received routine fertilizer and pest control inputs. Similarly, fertilizer applied and fertilizer non-applied treated tomato plants exhibited a 25% and 31% increase in total observable yields respectively. Treated tomato and lettuce plants also measured higher in total leaf tissue chlorophyll content. The combination of biofield treatment along with administration of chemical additives demonstrated the best results with statistically increased yields and higher pest resistance in both test cropping systems. The specific mechanisms that lead to these preliminary results have yet to be determined.


Statistically significant differences of agronomic parameters were here seen between biofield treated versus untreatedleafy vegetable and fruiting vegetable crops.In the case of lettuce, a leafy green crop, where true botanical maturity is never reached, the benefits of these treatments included higher percent survivorship of plant stands in disease infested soil, improved color in plant vigor, and overall yields.In the case of tomatoes, a fruiting vegetable, where botanical maturation followed anthesis, plant growth and color were improved which also resulted in higher fruit yields from treated plants.These differences were statistically significant with 95% confidence using means differenceone-way analysis of variance and Fisher's Least Significant Difference test.However, while adequately replicated statistically, these studies still represent a single test at a single site for each crop for the 2011 season. Nevertheless, they support the multiple year results on Alphonso mangos previously described. The current systematic studies of two crops show that biofield energies applied along with normal scientific treatments are able to produce healthier plants and higher yield.