Life Sciences

In vitro Evaluation of Biofield Treatment on Enterobacter cloacae: Impact on Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Biotype

Written by Trivedi Effect | Sep 2, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Bacteriology & Parasitology PDF  

Published: 2 Sep 15 Volume: 6 Issue: 5

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9597.1000241 ISSN: 2155-9597

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Shrikant Patil, Harish Shettigar, Sambhu Charan Mondal and Snehasis Jana*

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Mondal SC, Jana S (2015) In vitro Evaluation of Biofield Treatment on Enterobacter cloacae: Impact on Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Biotype. J Bacteriol Parasitol 6: 241. doi:10.4172/2155-9597.1000241


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This research work investigated the influence of biofield treatment on Enterobacter cloacae (ATCC 13047) against antimicrobial susceptibility. Two sets of ATCC samples were taken in this experiment and denoted as A and B. ATCC A sample was revived and divided into two parts Gr. I (control) and Gr. II (revived); likewise, ATCC B was labeled as Gr. III (lyophilized). Group II and III were given with biofield treatment. The control and treatment groups of E. cloacae cells were tested with respect to antimicrobial susceptibility, biochemical reactions pattern and biotype number. The result showed significant decrease in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of aztreonam and ceftazidime (≤ 8 μg/mL), as compared to control group (≥ 16 μg/mL). It was observed that 9% reaction was altered in the treated groups with respect to control out of the 33 biochemical reactions. Moreover, biotype number of this organism was substantially changed in group II (7731 7376) and group III (7710 3176) on day 10 as compared to control (7710 3376). The result suggested that biofield treatment had an impact on E. cloacae with respect to antimicrobial susceptibility, alteration of biochemical reactions pattern and biotype.


Altogether, the biofield treatment altered the resistance property of a few antimicrobials against E. cloacae. It has been observed that there was an alteration in phenotype characteristics of E. cloacae. Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment could be applied to improve the sensitivity of antimicrobials against E. cloacae resistance and an alternative therapeutic approach to combat against antimicrobial resistance.