Materials Science

An Impact of Biofield Treatment on Spectroscopic Characterization of Pharmaceutical Compounds

Written by Trivedi Effect | Aug 4, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Modern Chemistry & Applications PDF  

Published: 04-Aug-15 Volume: 3 Issue: 3

DOI: 10.4172/2329-6798.1000159 ISSN: 2329-6798

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Shrikant Patil, Harish Shettigar, Ragini Singh and Snehasis Jana*

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Shettigar H, Singh R, Jana S (2015) An Impact of Biofield Treatment on Spectroscopic Characterization of Pharmaceutical Compounds. Mod Chem appl 3: 159. doi:10.4172/2329-6798.1000159


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The stability of any pharmaceutical compound is most desired quality that determines its shelf life and effectiveness.The stability can be correlated to structural and bonding properties of compound and any variation arise in these properties can be easily determined by spectroscopic analysis. The present study was aimed to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment on these properties of four pharmaceutical compounds such as urea, thiourea, sodium carbonate,and magnesium sulphate, using spectroscopic analysis. Each compound was divided into two groups, referred as control and treatment. The control groups remained as untreated and treatment group of each compound received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Control and treated samples of each compound were characterized using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. FT-IR spectra of biofield treated urea showed the shifting of C=O stretching peak towards lower frequency (1684?1669 cm-1) and N-H stretching peak towards higher frequency (3428?3435 cm-1) with respect to control. A shift in frequency of C-N-H bending peak was also observed in treated sample as compared to control i.e. (1624?1647 cm-1). FT-IR spectra of thiourea showed upstream shifting of NH2 stretching peak (3363?3387 cm-1) as compared to control, which may be due to decrease in N-H bond length. Also, the change in frequency of N-C-S bending peak (621?660 cm-1) was observed in treated thiourea that could be due to some changes in bond angle after biofield treatment. Similarly, treated sample of sodium carbonate showed decrease in frequency of C-O bending peak (701?690 cm-1) and magnesium sulphate showed increase in frequency of S-O bending peak (621?647 cm-1) as compared to control, which indicated that bond angle might be altered after biofield treatment on respective samples. UV-Vis spectra of biofield treated urea showed shift in lambda max (?max) towards higher wavelength (201?220 nm) as compared to control sample, whereas other compounds i.e. thiourea, sodium carbonate, and magnesium sulphate showed the similar ?max to their respective control. These findings conclude that biofield treatment has significant impact on spectral properties of tested pharmaceutical compounds which might be due to some changes happening at atomic level of compounds, and leading to affect the bonding and structural properties of compounds.


Altogether, the results of present study showed that there has significant impact of biofield treatment on spectral properties of urea, thiourea, sodium carbonate, and magnesium sulphate. FT-IR data showed significant change in stretching frequencies in treated sample of urea which may be due to increased conjugation effect induced by biofield treatment and attribute to increased stability of treated urea sample. Similarly, a significant change was found in IR peak frequencies related to stretching and bending vibrations of treated samples of thiourea, sodium carbonate and magnesium sulphate which could be due to alteration in bond angle and bond strength after biofield treatment. UV spectroscopic result of urea was also supported by IR data, which suggest that biofield treatment may alter the conjugation effect within the molecule. Thus, it is postulated that biofield treatment can make some alteration at the atomic level, which could further affect the stability of the bonds and hence, the stability of compounds.