Materials Science

Atomic, Crystalline and Powder Characteristics of Treated Zirconia and Silica Powders

Written by Trivedi Effect | Nov 6, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Journal: Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering PDF  

Published: 06-Nov-14 Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Pages: 001-006

DOI: 10.4172/2169-0022.1000144 ISSN: 2169-0022

Authors: Mahendra K Trivedi, Shrikant Patil* and Rama Mohan Tallapragada

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Tallapragada RM (2014) Atomic, Crystalline and Powder Characteristics of Treated Zirconia and Silica Powders. J Material Sci Eng 3: 144. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000144


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Zirconium oxide and silicon dioxide powders are selected and subjected to a non-contact Biofield energy known to be transmitted by Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. Particle sizes d50 and d99 showed up to 71.5 percent decrease indicating that the energy had caused deformation and fracture as if the powders have been subjected to high energy milling. This is also supported by increase in specific surface area up to 19.48 percent.

In the present investigation Zirconium oxide and silicon dioxide powders are exposed to Bio-field. Both the exposed and unexposed powders are later characterized by various techniques. The treated powders when characterized by X-ray diffraction are found to exhibit significant increase and decrease in the lattice parameters of the unit cell, crystallite size and density. The lattice parameters are then used to compute the molecular weight and total number of protons and neutrons in the molecule, which showed an increase up to 0.24 and decrease up to 0.31 percent. It is speculated that the Biofield energy transmitted by Mr. Trivedi is acting on the nucleus in the atoms through some reversible weak interaction of larger cross section causing changes in the proton to neutron ratios and thus energy to mass and mass to energy. Thus the effect is felt by all the atoms, and hence the unit cell, single crystal grain and grain boundaries. The stresses generated in turn may have caused deformation and fracture of the weak interfaces in the polycrystalline powders such as the crystallite and grain boundaries.


The non-contact Biofield energy has significantly altered the characteristics of zirconium oxide and silicon dioxide powders as follows.

• The decrease in particle size in treated powders up to 71.5% indicates that the Biofield energy employed is fracturing the powders most probably at agglomerate boundaries. The increase in particle size of larger particles up to 21.1% is not normally possible in ceramics and can only lead to the conclusion that the energy is causing deformation of the crystal without activating fracture paths.

• BET specific surface area of the treated powders showed an increase up to 19.48% confirming the decrease observed in particle size.

• Increase in crystallite size up to 16.66% is in accordance the observed increase in d99 particle size and is most likely due to deformation of the crystal taking place while suppressing fracture.

• The treated powders exhibited increase as well decrease in volume of unit cell, and the molecular weight. The percent change in these parameters is linearly dependent on the percent change in unit cell volume.

We hypothesize that the changes caused by Biofield energy could be due to change in sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus caused by weak interactions.