Materials Science

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Evaluation of the impact of Biofield Energy Treatment on L-Cysteine

Written by Trivedi Effect | Mar 8, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Journal: Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports PDF  

Published: March 08, 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 001-007

DOI: 10.19080/jpfmts.2019.06.555680 ISSN: 2577-2945

Authors: Dahryn Trivedi, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Gopal Nayak and Snehasis Jana

Citation: Dahryn T, Mahendra K T, Alice B, Gopal N, Snehasis J. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Evaluation of the impact of 002 Biofield Energy Treatment on L-Cysteine. J Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2019; 6(1): 555680. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2019.06.555680


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L-cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid that is also used in alternative medicine to treat cardiovascular disease, inflammation, angina, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, flu, etc. This study was aimed to analyze the changes in the L-cysteine regarding its physicochemical and thermal properties due to the impact of the Trivedi Effect® - Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment. The L-cysteine was divided into the control and treated parts among which, the control sample was not given any treatment; while the treated sample received the Trivedi Effect®-Biofield Energy Healing Treatment, remotely, by a well-known Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The results indicated a significant impact of the Biofield Energy Treatment on the particle size distribution of the treated sample as the particle sizes were significantly decreased by 10.18% (d10), 12.97% (d50), 16.83% (d90), and 14.36% [D (4, 3)] compared with the control sample. Hence, the resultant surface area of the treated sample was increased by 14.29% compared with the control sample. The PXRD diffractograms of the treated sample showed alterations in the intensities and crystallite sizes ranging from -47.62% to 110.11% and -17.74% to -74.57%, respectively, along with 49.81% decrease in the average crystallite size, compared with the control L-cysteine sample. The latent heat of decompositions of the treated sample was significantly increased by 11.45% and 20.79%, respectively, compared with the control L-cysteine sample. The total weight loss was significantly reduced in the treated L-cysteine sample by 5.59%; however, the residue weight was remarkably increased by 1111.20%, compared with the control sample. Thus, the overall study indicated the importance of the Biofield Energy treatment in the alteration of the particle size, surface area, crystalline properties, and thermal properties of the L-cysteine sample compared with the control sample. Therefore, it could be considered that Biofield Energy Treated L-cysteine might show better solubility, bioavailability, and thermal stability compared with the control sample..


This scientific study was performed to analyze the alterations in the physicochemical and thermal properties of L-cysteine that may arise due to the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment in comparison to the control sample. The Biofield Energy Treated sample showed significant changes in the particle size distribution pattern that was observed to be re-duced at d10, d50, d90, and D (4, 3) by 10.18%, 12.97%, 16.83%, and 14.36%, respectively, compared with the particle size values of the control L-cysteine sample. The resultant impact was also seen on the specific surface area of the Biofield Energy Treated sam-ple after the Biofield Energy Treatment as it was significantly in-creased by 14.29% compared with the control L-cysteine sample. The PXRD data of both the samples revealed significant changes in the positioning of characteristics peaks of the Biofield Energy Treated sample along with the highest peak intensity compared with the peaks of the control L-cysteine’s diffractogram. The peaks having similar Bragg’s angles of the Biofield Energy Treated sam-ple as that of the control sample also showed alterations in their peak intensities ranging from -47.62% to 110.11% and in crystal-lite sizes ranging from -17.74% to -74.57% in comparison to the control sample. The average crystallite size of the Biofield Energy Treated L-cysteine was also found to be significantly reduced by 49.81% compared with the control sample. The presence of two endothermic peaks in the DSC thermograms of the control and Biofield Energy Treated sample, which denoted their thermal de-composition. The ?Hdecomposition of the 1st and 2nd endothermic peaks were significantly increased by 11.45% and 20.79%, respectively, compared with the control L-cysteine sample.

The Biofield Energy Treated sample indicated the increased thermal stability after the Biofield Energy Treatment as the total weight loss during the thermal heating was reduced by 5.59% in comparison to the control sample, which therefore causes a remarkable increase in the residue weight by 1111.20% compared with the control L-cysteine sample. The overall analysis on the L-cysteine sample revealed the impact of the Biofield Energy Treatment on the sample that causes the decrease in particle sizes and increased specific surface area, which might help in increasing the solubility, absorption, and bioavailability of the Biofield Energy Treated sample. The impact of the Trivedi Effect® was also found on the crystalline and thermal properties of L-cysteine as the Biofield Energy Treated sample showed altered crystallinity that might form a novel polymorph with improved thermal stability of the sample, compared to the control sample. Thus, the Biofield Energy Treated L-cysteine could be useful in formulations (i.e., food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc.) which might improve the bioavailability and more efficacious in the treatment against cardiovascular disease, inflammation, angina, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, osteoarthritis, flu, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.