Materials Science

Effect of Bio Field Treatment on the Physical and Thermal Characteristics of Silicon, Tin and Lead Powders

Written by Trivedi Effect | Sep 8, 2013 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering PDF  

Published: 08-Sep-13 Volume: 2 Issue: 3

DOI: 10.4172/2169-0022.1000125 ISSN: 2169-0022

Authors: Mahendra K Trivedi, Shrikant Patil and Rama Mohan Tallapragada

Citation: Trivedi MK, Patil S, Tallapragada RM (2013) Effect of Bio Field Treatment on the Physical and Thermal Characteristics of Silicon, Tin and Lead Powders. J Material Sci Eng 2: 125. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000125


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Silicon, tin and lead powders belong to group IV in periodic table and exhibit decreasing semi conducting nature towards the bottom of the group. These are very useful in producing non ferrous powder metallurgy components.

In the present investigation silicon, tin and lead powders are exposed to bio field. Both the exposed and unexposed powders are later characterized by various techniques. The average particle size, after an initial decrease is found to increase with increase in number of days after treatment although the size is lee than that exhibited by untreated powder, suggesting the operation of competing mechanisms fracture and sintering. The BET surface area increased slightly in silicon powder but did not change in tin and lead powders. SEM photographs showed that samples exposed to bio field after 20 days showed fracture paths and fractures at inter and intra particle boundaries in treated powders. Thermal analysis indicated a decrease in heat of reaction and decrease in mass in treated samples.

X-ray diffraction of the powder samples indicated both increase and decrease in crystallite size, unit cell volume and molecular weight of samples exposed to bio field even after 179 days.

These results indicate that the properties of the metallic powders can be controlled even up to atomic level by exposing to bio field.


Bio field exerted by Mr. Trivedi on aluminium metal powders had caused the following effects:

1. Changes in particle size of powders on treatment are alternately attributed to fracture, creation of fresh particle surfaces and welding.

2. The specific surface area of the treated powders had increased with increase in number of days after treatment which was also consistent with decreased percent of coarser particles.

3. Scanning electron microscopy indicated internal boundaries and angular particles thus justifying the observed decrease in surface area.

4. Results of X-ray diffraction had showed that treatment with bio field had decreased the percent change in both unit cell volume and atomic weight while it increased the percent change in nuclear charge per unit volume of atom. These results suggest that bio energy had mediated energy conversion to mass and mass conversion to energy through interchange of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

5. Thermal analysis of the tin and lead powders indicated a decrease in latent heat of fusion in all the treated powders without significant change in melting temperature, suggesting that the powders were already in a high energy state prior to melting.