Materials Science

Evaluation of the Effect of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Flutamide

Written by Trivedi Effect | Oct 31, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research PDF  

Published: October 31, 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 3

DOI: 10.23880/oajpr-16000162 ISSN: 2574-7797

Authors: Trivedi D, Trivedi MK, Alice Branton, Nayak G and Jana S

Citation: Trivedi D, et al. Evaluation of the Effect of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Flutamide. Pharm Res 2018, 2(3): 000162.


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Flutamide is used primarily to treat the prostate cancer, which blocks the action of exogenous testosterone by binding to the androgen receptor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical and thermal properties of flutamide using the modern analytical technique. The flutamide sample was divided into control and treated part. The control part did not receive any Energy Treatment, while the treated part received the Biofield Energy Treatment remotely by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The PXRD peak intensities and crystallite sizes were significantly altered ranging from -29.24% to 1.79% and 0.44% to 31.21% respectively; however, the average crystallite size was significantly increased by 19.13% in the treated sample compared with the control sample. The particle size values were altered by 0.12%(d10) 2.9%(d50), 7.52%(d90), and 5.81%{D(4,3)}, thus, the specific surface area was decreased by 0.55% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The melting point and latent heat of fusion of the treated sample were increased by 0.63% and 5.31%, respectively compared to the control sample. The total weight loss was decreased by 1.19%; however, the residue amount was increased by 1.18% in the treated flutamide compared with the control sample. The Biofield Energy Treatment might have generated a new polymorphic form of flutamide which would be more efficacious in the pharmaceutical formulations for the treatment of prostate cancer.


The Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment showed a significant effects on the relative intensities, morphology, particle size distribution, and thermal properties of flutamide. The PXRD results indicated that the relative peak intensities of the Dahryn Trivedi’s Biofield Energy Treated flutamide were altered ranging from -29.24% to 1.79% compared with the control sample. Similarly, the crystallite sizes of the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly increased up to 31.21% compared to the control sample. The particle size values of the Biofield Energy Treated flutamide were decreased negligibly by 0.12% at d10 and increased at d50, d90, and D (4,3) by 2.9%, 7.52%, and 5.81%, respectively compared to the control sample. The specific surface area of the Biofield Energy Treated flutamide was decreased by 0.55% compared to the control sample. The DSC data revealed that the melting point and ?Hfusion of the Biofield Energy Treated flutamide were increased by 0.63% and 5.31%, respectively compared with the control sample. The total weight loss was decreased by 1.19% in TGA; therefore, the residue amount was increased by 1.18% in the Biofield Energy Treated flutamide compared with the control sample. The Tmax of the Biofield Energy Treated sample was significantly decreased by 2.58% compared with the control sample. Thus, the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might lead to the generation of a new polymorphic form of flutamide which would be more thermally stable, become more bioavailable compared to the untreated sample. The Biofield Energy Treated flutamide would more efficacious in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical formulations for the better therapeutic response against prostate cancer.