Materials Science

Influence of the Biofield Energy Therapy on the Physico-chemical and Thermal Properties of Sulfamethoxazole

Written by Trivedi Effect | Nov 5, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Journal: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology  Web

Published: November 5, 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Pages: 19-25

DOI: 10.15436/2575-808X.18.1964 ISSN: 2575-808X

Authors: Dahryn Trivedi, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Gopal Nayak, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Dahryn Trivedi., et al. Influence of the Biofield Energy Therapy on the Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Sulfamethoxazole. (2018) J Med Chem Toxicol 3(1): 19- 25.


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Sulfamethoxazole is an antibiotic, which inhibits the bacteria by interfering in its folic acid synthesis mechanism. The objective of this study was to analyze the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical and thermal properties of sulfamethoxazole by using modern analytical techniques. The sulfamethoxazole sample was classified as control and treated samples. The control sample did not receive the Biofield Treatment, while the treated sample received the Biofield Treatment remotely by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The particle sizes of the treated sample were significantly reduced by 7.99% (d10), 3.05% (d50), 3.80% (d90), and 3.03%{D(4,3)}; whereas, the specific surface area of the particles was increased by 5.19% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The PXRD peak intensities and crystallite sizes were altered ranging from -70.86% to 52.36% and -6.01% to 75.34%, respectively; whereas the average crystallite size was significantly increased by 27.28% in the treated sulfamethoxazole compared with the control sample. The sample residual amount and maximum thermal degradation temperature were increased by 2.13% and 4.21%, respectively, in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The decomposition temperature and latent heat of decomposition were increased by 3.26% and 19.36%, respectively, in the treated sample compared to the untreated sample. The Biofield Treated sulfamethoxazole might convert to a novel polymorph of the drug, with reduced particle size, increased surface area, and improved thermal stability. This can be helpful in improving the solubility, bioavailability, and stability of the sulfamethoxazole and would be more efficacious for the treatment of infections in the ear, urinary tract infections, traveler’s diarrhoea, bronchitis, shigellosis, and pneumonia, etc.


The Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has shown a significant impact on the physicochemical and thermal properties of sulfamethoxazole drug. The Biofield Energy Treated sample showed a significant reduction in the particle size by 7.99, 3.05%, 3.80%, and 3.93% at d10, d50, d90, and D(4,3), respectively, compared to the untreated sample. Thus, the specific surface area of the Biofield Energy Treated sulfamethoxazole was increased by 5.19% compared with the control sample. Such changes might increase the solubility, dissolution, and absorption parameters and thereby increase the bioavailability of the treated sulfamethoxazole as compared to the untreated sample. The PXRD peak intensities and the crystallite sizes of the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly altered ranging from -70.86% to 52.36% and -6.01% to 75.34%, respectively, compared to the untreated sample. The average crystallite size of the Biofield Energy Treated sample was significantly increased by 27.28% as compared to the control sample. The Biofield Energy Treated sample also showed a 4.21% significant increase in the Tmax as compared with the control sample. The decomposition temperature and ?Hdecomposition of the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly increased by 3.26% and 19.36%, respectively, as compared to the control sample. Thus, the thermal studies of the Biofield Energy Treated sulfamethoxazole indicated its improved thermal stability in comparison to the untreated sample. The overall study concluded that the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might create a new polymorphic form of the drug with altered crystallinity that might possess better solubility, dissolution, bioavailability, and improved thermal stability as compared with the untreated sample. Hence, the Biofield Energy Treated sulfamethoxazole may have better efficacy for the prevention and treatment of various bacterial diseases such as ear infections, urinary tract infections, traveler’s diarrhea, bronchitis, shigellosis, and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, etc.