Materials Science

Physicochemical and Thermal Characterization of Ascorbic Acid: Impact of Biofield Energy Treatment

Written by Trivedi Effect | Apr 16, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Journal of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences  PDF  Web

Published: 16-Apr-19 Volume: 2019 Issue: 1 Pages: 01-Sep

DOI: 10.29011/2574-7711.100078 ISSN: 2474-7711

Authors: Gopal Nayak, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Nayak G, Trivedi MK, Branton A, Trivedi D, Jana S (2019) Physicochemical and Thermal Characterization of Ascorbic Acid: Impact of Biofield Energy Treatment. J Pharma Pharma Sci 3: 178. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7711.100078


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Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) acts as an antioxidant and plays a vital role in maintaining good health. The study was designed with the aim to determine the influence of the Trivedi Effect® on the various properties of ascorbic acid by using the modern analytical techniques. The study sample was divided into two parts. The first part was considered as control (no treatment), while the second part was termed as the Biofield Energy Treated sample and it was treated with the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Gopal Nayak. The PXRD peak intensities and the crystallite sizes were significantly altered ranging from -67.75% to 1059.21% and -29.41% to 271.10% respectively, whereas the average crystallite size was significantly increased by 50.67% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The particle size analysis of the treated ascorbic acid was reduced by 8.23% (d10), 22.07% (d50), 11.64% (d90), and 15.81% {D(4,3)} and the surface area was increased by 15.38% as compared to the untreated sample. The weight loss was 20.57%; however, the residue amount was significantly increased by 573.99% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The maximum thermal degradation temperatures were increased by 0.58% and 4.93%, respectively, of the treated sample compared to the control sample. The decomposition temperature was decreased by 4.17%; however, the ?Hfusion and ?Hdecomposition were increased by 9.13% and 110.60%, respectively of the treated sample compared to the control sample. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment showed the possible formation of a new polymorph of ascorbic acid that may show better solubility, dissolution, and bioavailability, as well as more thermally stable compared to the control sample. Hence, it might be advantageous to use the Biofield Energy Treated ascorbic acid in various nutraceutical/pharmaceutical formulations to improve their efficacy.


This study evaluated the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical and thermal properties of ascorbic acid such as crystal properties, particle size, surface area, melting temperature, and other thermal properties. The PXRD results revealed the changes in the Bragg’s angles of the peaks present in the diffractograms of the treated sample in comparison to the control sample. Moreover, the Biofield Energy Treated sample showed alterations in the peak intensities and crystallite sizes ranging from -67.75% to 1059.21% and -29.41% to 271.10%, respectively in comparison to the control sample. The average crystallite size of the treated ascorbic acid was increased significantly by 50.67% compared to the control sample. Such changes might appear due to the possible formation of a novel polymorphic form of the ascorbic acid that may show improved bioavailability profile compared to the untreated sample. The particle size distribution of the treated sample was also altered as the particle size values at d10, d50, d90, and D (4,3) were significantly decreased by 8.23%, 22.07%, 11.64%, and 15.81%, respectively in comparison to the control sample. Such changes in the particle size of the treated sample resulted in 15.38% significant increase in the surface area as compared to the untreated sample. Therefore, it is presumed that the Biofield Energy Treatment of the ascorbic acid might help in increasing its solubility and dissolution profile, along with the improved bioavailability parameters compared to the untreated sample. The TGA thermogram of the treated sample revealed a significant decrease in the weight loss by 20.57% during the thermal heating; however, the residual amount was significantly increased by 573.99% in comparison to the control sample. The DTG results revealed two peaks in the thermograms of both the samples. Besides, the Tmax corresponding to the 1st and 2nd peaks in the thermogram of the treated sample was increased by 0.58% and 4.93%, respectively compared to the Tmax of the untreated ascorbic acid sample. Thus, the thermal data showed the improved thermal stability of the treated sample after the Biofield Energy Treatment compared to the untreated sample. The ?Hfusion and ?Hdecomposition of the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly increased by 9.13% and 110.60%, respectively compared to the untreated ascorbic acid sample. Thus, it can be concluded that the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment significantly affects the physicochemical and thermal properties of ascorbic acid that might help in producing a new polymorph with improved solubility, dissolution, and bioavailability compared with the untreated sample. Hence, The Biofield Energy Treated ascorbic acid could be used in the formulation for acting more efficiently in the prevention as well as treatment of many diseases such as common cold, diabetes, scurvy, cataracts, heart diseases, glaucoma, cancer, autoimmune diseases, stroke, chronic degenerative diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, bleeding gums, infections, muscle degeneration, delayed wound healing, capillary haemorrhage, low immunity, and neurotic disturbances, etc.