Materials Science

Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Evaluation of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Metronidazole

Written by Trivedi Effect | Jan 31, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Journal: Current Research in Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry  

Published: 31 January, 2019 Volume: 2019 Issue: 1 Pages: 01-Sep

DOI: 10.29011/ 2639-4685. 100018 ISSN: 2638-003X

Authors: Gopal Nayak, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Nayak G, Trivedi MK, Branton A, Trivedi D, Jana S (2019) Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Evaluation of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Metronidazole. Curr Res Bioorg Org Chem: CRBOC-118. DOI: 10.29011/ 2639-4685. 100018


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Metronidazole is an antibiotic and used for the treatment of the diseases caused by the anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. The aim of this research work was to estimate the impact of the Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the physicochemical, thermal behavior of metronidazole using modern analytical techniques. The test sample metronidazole was divided into two parts. One part of the sample did not receive the Biofield Energy Treatment and called as a control sample. While the other part was received the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment remotely by a well-known Biofield Energy Healer, Gopal Nayak and termed as a treated sample. The particle size values in the treated metronidazole powder sample were significantly decreased by 25.47% (d10), 12.96% (d50), 11.16% (d90), and 13.49% {D (4,3)}; thus, the specific surface area was significantly increased by 33.21% compared to the control sample. The powder XRD peak intensities and crystallite sizes of the treated powder sample were significantly altered ranging from -43.4% to 396.77% and -67.47% to 187.56%, respectively; whereas, the average crystallite size was significantly decreased by 13.16% compared with the control sample. The latent heat of fusion and latent heat of decomposition were significantly increased by 14.44% and 23.39%, respectively in the treated sample compared with the control sample. The weight loss was decreased by 1.49%; hence the residue amount was significantly increased by 65.2% in the treated sample compared with the control sample. The maximum thermal degradation temperature was increased by 3.04% in the treated sample compared to the control sample. The Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might have generated a new polymorphic form of metronidazole which may offer better solubility, dissolution rate, absorption, bioavailability, therapeutic efficacy, and thermal stability compared with the control sample. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treated metronidazole sample would be more efficacious pharmaceutical formulations for the treatment of the infections in the vagina, stomach, liver, skin, joints, brain, and respiratory tract, aspiration pneumonia, fungating wounds, rosacea, amoebiasis, periodontitis, etc.


The experimental results showed that the Trivedi Effect®- Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment has a significant effect on the thermal, and behavioral properties of metronidazole. The particle size values in the Biofield Energy Treated metronidazole powder sample were significantly decreased by 25.47% (d10), 12.96% (d50), 11.16% (d90), and 13.49% {D (4,3)}; thus, the specific surface area was significantly increased by 33.21% compared to the control sample. The powder XRD peak intensities and crystallite sizes of the Biofield Energy Treated powder sample were significantly altered ranging from -43.4% to 396.77% and -67.47% to 187.56%, respectively; whereas, the average crystallite size was significantly decreased by 13.16% compared with the control sample. The ?Hfusion and ?Hdecomposition were significantly increased by 14.44% and 23.39%, respectively in the Biofield Energy Treated sample compared with the control sample. The total weight loss was decreased by 1.49%; hence the residue amount was significantly increased by 65.2% in the Biofield Energy Treated sample compared with the control sample. The Tmax was increased by 3.04% in the Biofield Energy Treated sample compared with the control sample. The Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might have generated a new polymorphic form of metronidazole which may offer better solubility, bioavailability, therapeutic efficacy, and thermal stability compared with the control sample. The Consciousness Energy Healing Treated metronidazole sample would be more efficacious pharmaceutical formulations for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, pseudomembranous colitis, giardiasis, pelvic inflammatory disease, abscess of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, infections in brain, and respiratory tract, aspiration pneumonia, rosacea, intra-abdominal infections, fungating wounds, lung abscess, periodontitis, amoebiasis, oral infections, and the infections caused by the Bacteroides, Clostridium, Helicobacter pylori, Fusobacterium, Dracunculus, Peptostreptococcus, and Prevotella species, etc.